Biological-classification-every- neet- aspirant 2021.


biological classification is the process in which arrangement of all the organisms in a hierarchial series of groups and sub-groups on the basis of similarities and dissimilarities of organism.


Why classification of organism important

Classification of organism important because It makes the study of different kind of organism much easier.
-It gives us the information regarding diversity of plants and animals.
-It help to understand the evolution of the organism.
-The classification of organisms is known as taxonomy. The modern taxonomy developed by Swedish botanist ,Carolus Linnaeus.


Kingdam is highest level of classification.which is divided into sub-groups at various levels. There are five kingdom classification which namely classify Monera, protista , fungi, animalia, plantae


Aristotle was the first scientist to classify the organism.he used the simple morphological character to classify the animals into two groups.

1) with red blood (enaima)

2) without red blood (anaima)

And plant classify plants as tree , shrubs , herbs.

Two kingdom classification

Given by carolus linnaeus in (1758).



Carolus Linnaeus

 Three kingdom classification

Given by Ernest hackle in (1866).


2) plantae 

3) protista 

Ernest hackle

Four kingdom classification

Four kingdom classification given by copeland .
3) protista
4) Monera


Five kingdom classification

five kingdom classification given by RH whittaker in (1969).
Monera,protista,fungi, animalia,plantae.
RH whittaker classify in the organism on the basis of five  characters
1)cell structure
2)body organisation
3)mode of nutrient
4) reproduction
5) phylogenetic relationship.

RH whittaker


Kingdom monera

The bacterias are categorised in Kingdom Monera.


-The cell wall is made of amino acid and polysaccharide.
-The are prokaryotic.
-they can heterotrophic and autotrophic.
-They are microscopic.
-The heterotrophic bacteria can be parasitic and saprophytic and autotrophic bacteria can be chemosynthetic and photo-

Four types of bacteria

Classification of bacteria on the basis of shape 
Coccus (pl:cocci) - spherical in shape.
Bacillus (pl: bacilli) - rod shaped bacteria.
 Vibrium(pl:vibrio) comma-shaped bacteria.
Sprillum(pl: sprilla) - spiral shaped 
Monera  further divide into archaebacteria and eubacteria by Carles woes 

Kingdom protista 


-They are unicellular organism.
-They are eukaryotic organism.
-some organism have cilia and flagella for motility.
Protista further divided into sub-groups.

Four categories of protista 


- This group include in diatom and golden algae (desmids).
- Found in fresh as well as marine water.
- mostly photosynthetic and float passively in water current.
- Two thin wall overlapped cell in diatoms which fit together as in a soap box. And thus the wall are indestructible.
- being gritty this soil is used in polishing filtration of oil and syrups.
- This is chief producer in the ocean.


- Mostly Marine and photosynthetic.
- They can appear yellow, green red, blue depending on the main pigment present in their cell.
- red dinoflagellates (gonyaulax) produce more toxin which kills the marine animals.


 - Cell wall made of protein which known as pellicle.
- they  autotrophic in the presence of sun light but they heterotrophic in night.
Eg: euglena, slime moulds, plasmodium. 

-five categories of protozoan 
 1)amoeboid protozoan
2)Entamoeba protozoan
3)flagellated protozoan 

 Kingdom fungi

Exception- yeast is unicellular.
-one thread of Punjab is called Hyphae and group of Highway is known as mycilium. 

          Mode of nutrients

Saprophytic : growth on dead organic matter.                                Parasitic: growth on living organism  
 Symbiotic: which symbiotic association between them
Eg: lichen and mycorazia.

Fungi divided into four categories

1) phycomycetes 
Eg: rhizopus 

2)  Ascomycetes 
Commonly known as sac fungi 
Multicellular eg: penicillium 
Rarely unicellular eg: yeast ( saccharomyces)
Eg: morels and truffles,  aspergillus, claviceps, neurospora 


Commonly known as mushrooms bracket fungi or puffballs.
Grow soil on logs and tree stums living as parasite.
Eg: rust and smut 
asexual spores are generally not found reproduction by fragmentation.
Eg: agaricus (mushroom)
Ustilago (smut)
Puccinia (rust)

4) deuteromycetes

They are also called Imperfect  perfect fungi because no sexual reproduction.
Eg: collectorichum 

Kingdom plantae

Kingdom plantae include all  eukaryotic chlorophyll containing organism commonly called plant. Some plants are heterotrophic such as insectivorous plants eg: venus fly trap. Plantae include algae bryophyta pteridophyta gymnosperm and angiosperm.
Life cycle of plant has two distinct phases- the diploid sporophytic and haploid gametophytic- that alternate  each other.

Kingdom animalia
the Kingdom animalia is characterized  by heterotrophic eukaryotic organisms that are multicellular and their cell Lack cell walls. They depend on plant for food.They digest their food in an internal cavity and store food reserve as glycogen or fat. Their mode of nutrition is holozoic- bi injection of food. Most of them are capable of locomotion.The sexual reproduction is by copulation of male and female followed by embryological development.


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