15-quiz for neet-aspirants from gymnosperm


1) in which gymnosperm found in warmer area

1)pinus.                2)cycas

3)cedrus.              4)cycads

2) in which plant female cone is not present

1)cycas.                2)pinus

3)salvinia.            4)cedrus

3) plant have unbranched stem 

1) pinus.                 2) cedrus

3) cycas.                  4)Equistem

4) coralloid root have bacteria for nitrogen fixation


2)Azotobacter and nostoc

3) Frankia

4) anabena and nostoc

5) pinus seed not germinate without fungal association

1) this embryo is immature

2) it has obligate association with mycorrhizae

3) it has very hard seed coat

4) its seed contain inhibitors that prevent germination.

6) pinus plant have

1) pinnate compound leaf

2) needle shaped leaf

3) palm compound leaf

4) simple leaf

7)In male cone pollen grain is a

1) gametophyte.          2) gamete

3) ovule.                        4)seed

8) conifers can survive in the extreme condition due to

1) presence of vessels

2) presence of thick cuticle

3) presence of sunken stomata

4) broad Hardy leafs

9)In female cone development of endosperm from

1) female gametophyte

2) zygote

3) megasporangium

4) megasporophyll

10)If zygote form in more than one archegonium this stage called

1) polyembryonic stage

2) embryonic stage

3) diploid stage

4) zygotic stage

11) select the mismatch

1) cycas - dioecious

2)pinus - dioecious

3) cedrus- dioecious

4) Gingko- dioecious

12)are prokaryotic autotrophic nitrogen fixing symbionts is found in 

1)Albus.                        2)cycas 

3)cicer.                          4) pisum

13) pollen grain in gymnosperm move through 

1)wind.                        2)water

3) insects.                    4)all of above

14) cycas plant have

1) coralloid root

2)tap root

3) fibrous root


15 which of the following gymnosperm can metabolism nitrogen oxide

1) cycas.                    2)pinus

3)Gingko.                   4)Gnetum


1) cycads, 


 3) cycas, 

4) anabena and nostoc, 

5) it has obligate association with mycorrhizae,

 6) needle shaped leaf,

 7) gametophyte, 

8) presence of thick cuticle, 

9) female gametophyte, 

10) polyembryonic stage, 

11) cycas- dioecious,

 12) cycas, 


14)corelloid root, 

15) Pinus


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